Look For the Guideposts They Give You Direction

These guideposts direct you, giving insight. Sometimes God will miraculously open doors for you when you least expect it.  They might appear to be coincidental but in reality they are meant for you to make a decision.

Blue ButterflyThe guideposts are there. They could come in the form of temptations or the form of an arrow pointing you in a certain direction. You notice these guideposts. You have all sorts of choices in this world. Each choice you make leads you in another direction.

It’s the journey of life. As we look back at our lives, we see things happened because of our choices.  We see the way things were aligned and we find comfort knowing there is a bigger picture at stake.

Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky? Rainbows often appear after a rain storm. The skies clear, the sun takes a sneak peak, and a rainbow is clearly visible. It’s your promise. God sends the rainbow to show you His promises.

Like the sun shining when the rain is pouring down, your life is a blessing for someone else. In the midst of your troubles, there is someone out there that needs you. They are struggling too.  Your experience can help someone else. Let God use you and he will show you things that will encourage you and give you hope.  The guideposts are there for you to take the next step, to take a risk, to go for your dreams.  Watch for those signs.  They are closer than you think.

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